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Risultati 1-20 di 71

Traité pratique de peinture à l'huile et de peinture à la cire

indiquant la manière de peindre sur toile, bois, métaux, pierre, platre, étoffes et estampes figures, paysages, marines, fruits, animaux, etc., préparation et application des couleurs, suivi de l'art de conserver et de restaurer les tableaux

  • Dubois, Étienne

Pittura ad olio

fonti e materiali per una storia

  • Eastlake, Charles Lock

The artist's assistant

oil painting instruction manuals and handbooks in Britain 1800-1900, with reference to selected eighteenth-century sources

  • Carlyle, Leslie

Cours complet de peinture à l'huile

l'art, la science, le métier du peintre

  • Hareux, Ernest

La pittura a tempera e ad olio

  • Civica biblioteca d'arte< Milano>

Oil painting

techniques and materials

  • Mugnaini, Joseph

Claudio Olivieri

dal 6 maggio al 30 giugno 1982

Oil painting

  • Bone, Stephen

Paola Doria

Venezia 6-28 maggio 1995

The practice of oil painting

and of drawing as associated with it

  • Solomon, Solomon J.

The technique of oil painting

a discussion of traditional oil techniques for use by the contemporary painter

  • Taubes, Frederic

Shirley Jaffe

Lavori su carta 1960-1983 : Works on paper 1960-1983

Pittura a Olio [+]

Una guida illustrata facile e completa alle tecniche e ai materiali

  • Gair, Angela

Saper dipingere a olio

  • Parramon, José Maria

Portrait painting in oils

with a constructive method of drawing the head and neck

  • Holt, Herbert

Risultati 1-20 di 71