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  • Benecke, Wilhelm

Photosynthesis and plant productivity

joint meeting of OECD and Studienzentrum Weikersheim, Ettlingen Castle (Germany), October 11-14, 1981

On the economy of plant form and function

proceedings of the Sixth Maria Moors Cabot Symposium, Evolutionary constraints on primary productivity, Adaptive patterns of energy capture in plants, Harvard Forest, August 1983

The physiology of plants

a treatise upon the metabolism and sources of energy in plants

  • Pfeffer, Wilhelm Friedrich Phiipp 1845-1920

A laboratory course in plant physiology

extended to form a handbook of experimentation for educational use

  • Ganong, William Francis 1864-1941

Sulfur nutrition and sulfur assimilation in higher plants

fundamental environmental and agricultural aspects : proceedings of a workshop organized by the Department of plant physiology, University of Groningen, the Fraunhofer institute for atmospheric environmental research, and the Istitute of plant physiology, University of Bern, Haren, 28-31 March 1989

Membranes and compartmentation in the regulation of plant functions

annual proceedings of the Phytochemical Society of Europe vol.24-1984

  • Phytochemical Society Of Europe