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Risultati 1-20 di 35

CRC world dictionary of plant names

common names, scientific names, eponyms, synonyms, and etymology

  • Quattrocchi, Umberto

Mabberley's plant-book [+]

a portable dictionary of plants, their classification and uses : utilizing Kubitzki's The families and genera of vascular plants ...

  • Mabberley, David John

Dictionnaire étymologique de botanique

comprendre facilement tous les noms scietifiques

  • Couplan, François

Dizionario di botanica orticola

inglese-italiano : oltre 15000 termini di botanica, orticoltura, giardinaggio e nomenclatura popolare delle piante

  • Sotti, Maria Luisa

The plant-book

a portable dictionary of the vascular plants, utilizing Kubitzkiʼs The families and genera of vascular plants (1990-), Cronquistʼs An integrated system of classification of flowering plants (1981) and current botanical literature ...

  • Mabberley, David John

A dictionary of useful and everyday plants and their common names

based on material contained in J.C. Willis: A dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns (6. edition, 1931)

  • Howes, F. N.

Plants of the world

an illustrated encyclopedia of vascular plants

  • Christenhusz, Maarten J. M. 1976-

Elsevierʼs dictionary of plant names

in Latin, English, French, German and Italian

Lexicon nominum herbarum, arborum fruticumque linguae latinae

ex fontibus Latinitatis ante saeculum 17. scripsit collegit et descriptionibus botanicis illustravit

  • Stirling, Janos

Spiegazione etimologica dei nomi delle piante

tratta dal Glossario di botanica di Alessandro de Theis e da altri moderni scrittori

Dictionary of plant names

over 100.000 names of about 10.000 species and varieties of flowering plants and fern-like plants in latin, russian, english and chinese (hieroglyphic and latin transliteration)

  • Schroeter, A. I.

Die Entstehung der Arten und hoheren kategorien

Experimenteller Nachweis des Ablaufs der Evolution

  • Lamprecht, Herbert


  • Strugger, Siegfried

Risultati 1-20 di 35