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Risultati 1-20 di 217

The earths in our solar system, which are called planets and The earths in the starry heavens

their inhabitants, and spirits and angels thence from things heard and seen

  • Swedenborg, Emanuel

Il moto dei corpi celesti

metodi di calcolo, formule ed esempi pratici

  • Leone, Antonio 1955-

Le soleil

  • Young, Charles August

ˆLes ‰planetes

  • Guintini, Pierre

Les planets

  • Bruhat, Georges


  • Gehrels, Tom

Uranus and the outer planets

proceedings of the IAU/RAS colloquium no. 60

  • International Astronomical Union colloquium 60 Bath 1981

Planetary geology

an introduction

  • Vita-Finzi, Claudio

Physics of the planet Mars

an introduction to areophysics

  • Vaucouleurs, Gérard Henri de

Planetary crusts

their composition, origin and evolution

  • Taylor, Stuart Ross

Risultati 1-20 di 217