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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 120-140 di 164

New origin of basalts

a more sialic upper mantle

  • Sanchez Cela, Vicente

Rock-forming minerals [+]

  • Deer, William Alexander

1: Petrologie

  • Brousse, Robert

Rock characterisation

  • ISRM symposium Chester 1992

Simulating the earth

experimental geochemistry

  • Holloway, John R.

Elementi di petrologia

  • Santo, Alba Patrizia

Formation of mafic-ultramafic rocks in the crust

need for a new upper mantle

  • Sanchez Cela, Vicente

Volcanic textures

a guide to the interpretation of textures in volcanic rocks

  • McPhie, J.

Undersaturated alkaline rocks

mineralogy, petrogenesis and economic potential

Progress in metamorphic and magmatic petrology

a memorial volume in honor of D. S. Korzhinskiy

Altération des granites d'Oulmès (Maroc Central)

mécanismes et produits de la kaolinisation

  • Gmira, Abderrazzak

Shallow and buoyant lithospheric subduction

causes and implications from thermo-chemical numerical modeling

  • Hunen, Jeroen: van

Reports of the theoretical lectures and case histories

3. Summer school Geologia e petrologia dei basamenti cristallini: Rock-fluid interaction in crystalline basements: Siena, 18 September-1 October 1989

  • Summer school Geologia e petrologia dei basamenti cristallini: Rock-fluid interaction in crystalline basaments 3. Siena 1989

Risultati 120-140 di 164