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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 280-300 di 849

Silica in sediments

  • Society of economic paleontologists and mineralogists

Tableaux des minéraux des roches

résumé de leurs propriétés optiques, cristallographiques et chimiques

  • Michel-Levy, Auguste

Mind over magma

the story of igneous petrology

  • Young, Davis A.

Salt deposits

their origin and composition

  • Braitsch, Otto

Igneous rocks and processes

a practical guide

  • Gill, Robin 1944-

Asmosia VI

Interdisciplinary studies on ancient stone : proceedings of the sixth international conference of the Association for the study of marble and other stones in antiquity : Venice, june 15-18 2000

  • Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones used in Antiquity

Petrology for students

  • Nockolds, Stephen Robert


  • Chamley, Hervé