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Risultati 80-100 di 244

Conoscenza e struttura

Festschrift per Gaetano Kanizsa

Percezione, linguaggio, pensiero

un'introduzione allo studio dei processi cognitivi

  • Kanizsa, Gaetano

Historical roots of cognitive science

the rise of cognitive theory of perception from antiquity to the nineteenth century

  • Meyering, Theo C.

Theophrastus against the Presocratics and Plato

Peripatetic dialectic in the De sensibus

  • Baltussen, H.

La percezione [+]

un'introduzione alla psicologia della visione

  • Cesa-Bianchi, Marcello

Sinne, Gegenstände und Sensibilia

zur Wahrnehmungslehre des Thomas von Aquin

  • Tellkamp, Jörg Alejandro


beyond recognition

  • Oliver, Kelly

The psychology of perception [+]

a philosophical examination of Gestalt theory and derivate theories of perception

  • Hamlyn, David Walter

Theories of perception and the concept of structure

a review and critical analysis with an introduction to a dynamic-structural theory of behavior

  • Allport, Floyd H.

The eye and the mind

reflections on perception and the problem of knowledge

  • Landesman, Charles

Even odder perceptions

  • Gregory, Richard L.

Research in perception

proceedings of the Meeting in memory of Fabio Metelli, Padova, november 13-14 1997

Mechanisms of cognitive development

behavioral and neural perspectives

Introduzione allo studio della percezione del movimento

il movimento stroboscopico

  • Zapparoli, Giovanni Carlo