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Risultati 1-20 di 66


the supposed justifications revisited

  • Honderich, Ted

Scrivere di carcere

una sperimentazione di didattica interdisciplinare

The justification of deserved punishment

a dissertation presented to the faculty of the Graduate College at the University of Nebraska, in partial fulfillment of requirements for degree of doctor of philosophy : Lincoln, Nebraska, August , 1995

  • Kershnar, Stephen


for & against

Punishment and modern society

a study in social theory

  • Garland, David

Crime, guilt and punishment

a philosophical introduction

  • Ten, C. L.

Law, ideology and punishment

retrieval and critique of the liberal ideal of criminal justice

  • Norrie, Alan William

Why punish? How much?

a reader on punishment

A criminological imagination

essays on justice, punishment, discourse

  • Carlen, Pat

Pena e misure di scurezza

profili concettuali, storici e comparatistici

  • Guzmán Dálbora, José Luis

Pena, controllo sociale e modernità nel pensiero di David Garland

atti del Convegno in onore di David Garland, Università di Milano-Bicocca, 1. marzo 2004

The apology ritual

a philosophical theory of punishment

  • Bennett, Christopher 1972-

Beyond Foucault

new perspectives on Bentham's Panopticon

Risultati 1-20 di 66