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Risultati 100-120 di 211

Les almanachs republicains

traditions revolutionnaires et culture politique des masses populaires de Paris (1840-1851)

  • Gosselin, Ronald

"Decisione algoritmica" vs decisione politica?

A.I. Legge Democrazia

  • Cardone, Andrea 1976-

Les défis de la représentation

langages, pratiques et figuration du gouvernement

The Internet and politics

citizens, voters and activists

Participatory governance

planning, conflict mediation and public decision-making in civil society

Citizens as partners

OECD handbook on information, consultation and public participation in policy-making

Democracy in practice

public participation in environmental decisions

  • Beierle, Thomas C.

Civic wars

democracy and public life in the American city during the nineteenth century

  • Ryan, Mary P.

Direct democracy or representative government?

dispelling the populist myth

  • Haskell, John

Voice and equality

civic voluntarism in American politics

  • Verba, Sidney

L'economia del noi

  • Bellanca, Nicolò 1960-

A soul for Europe

on the political and cultural identity of the Europeans

Mehr direkte Demokratie wagen

Volksbegehren und Volksentscheid: Geschichte, Praxis, Vorschlage

Contadini-cittadini e schiavi

la nascita della democrazia ateniese

  • Wood, Ellen Meiksins

Risultati 100-120 di 211