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Risultati 4000-4020 di 4708

Astrologie arabe

  • Aubier, Catherine

The principles of astrology

  • Carter, Charles Ernest Owen

Tetrabiblos, o I quattro libri delle predizioni astrologiche [+]

con 14 illustrazioni dal De Sphaera Estense

  • Ptolemaeus, Claudius

Langage astral

traité sommaire d'astrologie scientifique

  • Choisnard, Paul


what day is favorable for me

  • Ebertin, Reinhold

La domification

comment calculer et monter une carte du ciel pour tous les pays de la terre

  • Christiaen, Yves

Corso di astrologia [+]

  • Klockler, Herbert Freiherr von

The five books of M. Manilius

containing a system of the ancient astronomy and astrology together with the philosophy of the Stoicks

  • Manilius, Marcus