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Risultati 60-80 di 1251


testimoni del tempo : fondamenti per la conservazione del patrimonio geologico

Histoire naturelle des ammonites suivie de la description des espèces fossiles

(des Basses-Alpes de Provence ...

  • Raspail, François Vincent 1794-1878

95 milioni di anni fa

il periodo cretacico attraverso i fossili di Comeno ed altri reperti del Carso

  • Calligaris, Ruggero

Microfauna and lithostratigraphy of the Paleogene

and adjacent Cretaceous of the Middle Váh Valley (West Carpathian)

  • Samuel, Ondrej

Historical geology

evolution of heart and life through time

  • Wicander, Reed

Outlines of Palaeontology

  • Swinnerton, Henry Hurd

Global bio-events

a critical approach : proceedings of the first international meeting of the IGCP project 216 "Global biological events in earth history"

Fossils as information

new recording and stratal correlation techniques

  • Hughes, Norman F.