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Risultati 1-20 di 57


age distribuitions from skeletal samples

  • Hoppa, Robert D.


  • Tobias, Phillip V.

Les hommes fossiles

éléments de primatologie découvertes et travaux depuis dix années

  • Genet Varcin, E.

The American Palaeozoic fossils

a catalogue of the genera and species with names of authors, dates, places of publication, groups of rocks in which found, and the etymology and signification of the words, and an introduction devoted to the stratigraphical geology of the Palaeozoic rocks

Our face from fish to man

a protrait gallery of our ancient ancestors and kinsfolk together with a concise history of our best features

  • Gregory, William King

Per la conoscenza del patrimonio biologico umano

scheletro e denti : atlante di caratteri discontinui

Urgeschichte der Menschheit

Einführung in die Abstammungs- und Kulturgeschichte des Menschen

  • Grahmann, Rudolf

Il presente del passato

l'attualit di preistoria e storia

  • Coppens, Yves


sacrificio e onore

  • Adams, Simon

Archeologia dei resti umani [+]

dallo scavo al laboratorio

  • Canci, Alessandro

Arezzo e Valdichiana

uomo e ambiente nel Paleolitico inferiore e medio

  • Starnazzi, Carlo

Risultati 1-20 di 57