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Risultati 1-20 di 57

Preistoria dell'uomo

la nuova archeologia

  • Binford, Lewis Robert

The evolution of homo erectus

comparative anatomical studies of an extinct human species

  • Rightmire, G. Philip

Humanity from African naissance to coming millennia

colloquia in human biology and palaeoanthropology


  • Tobias, Phillip V.

Man-ape ape-man

the quest for humanʼs place in nature and Duboisʼ Missing Link

  • Leakey, Richard E.

God-apes and fossil men

paleoanthropology of South Asia

  • Kennedy, Kenneth A. R.

The colloquia of the 13. International congress of prehistoric and protohistoric sciences

Forlì (Italia), 8-14 September 1996

  • International congress of prehistoric and protohistoric sciences 13. Forlì 1996

Four million years of hominid evolution in Africa

papers in honour of Dr. Mary Douglas Leakey's outstanding contribution in paleoanthropology


age distributions from skeletal samples


  • Wolpoff, Milford H.

Images of humanity

the selected writings of Phillip V. Tobias

  • Tobias, Phillip V.

The origin of Homo sapiens

proceedings of the Paris symposium, 2-5 September 1969

Risultati 1-20 di 57