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Risultati 1-20 di 46

After Brexit

consequences for the European Union

The politics of the Lisbon agenda

governance architectures and domestic usage of Europe

The search for a European identity

values, policies and legitimacy of the European Union

Europe 2020

towards a more social EU?

Si può salvare l'Europa?

cronache 2004-2015

  • Piketty, Thomas

Giustizia sociale, occupazione e crescita

quali ricette per la : «good economy»?

Un piano per l'Europa

sviluppo sostenibile e occupazione

  • Majocchi, Alberto

The end of territoriality?

the impact of ECJ rulings on british, german and french social policy

  • Obermaier, Andreas J.

Social rights and market forces

is the open coordination of employment and social policies the future of social Europe?

Risultati 1-20 di 46