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Risultati 1-20 di 36

Fragmentation in East Central Europe

Poland and the Baltics, 1915-1929

  • Richter, Klaus

Noi Balti

  • Sabaliauskas, Algirdas

Imperial boundaries

Cossack communities and empire building in the age of Peter the Great

  • Boeck, Brian J.

The North-Eastern frontiers of medieval Europe

the expansion of Latin Christendom in the Baltic lands

The Baltic revolution

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the path to independence

  • Lieven, Anatol

Business finance & investment in the Baltic States

30-31 March 1992, Sheraton Copenhagen hotel, Denmark

Les etats baltes

  • Plasseraud, Yves

Les pays baltes

Estonie, Lettonie, Lituanie

  • Lorot, Pascal

Baltic affairs

relations between the Netherlands and North-Eastern Europe, 1500-1800 : essays

Balten - Slaven - Deutsche [+]

Aspekte und Perspektiven kultureller Kontakte : Festschrift fur Friedrich Scholz zum 70. Geburtstag

Risultati 1-20 di 36