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Risultati 20-40 di 232

Optimization in statistics

with a view towards applications in management science and operations research

Metodi e algoritmi per l'ottimizzazione

atti della Scuola GRIS, Bologna 11-13 Ottobre 1982

  • Carpaneto, G.

Towards global optimisation

proceedings of a workshop at the University of Cagliari, Italy, October 1974

Computer-aided transit scheduling

proceedings of the sixth International workshop on computer-aided scheduling of public transport

  • International workshop on computer- aided scheduling of public transport 6 Lisbona 1993

Optimum structural design

concepts, methods, and applications

  • Kirsch, Uri

Global optimization and constraint satisfaction

second international workshop, COCOS 2003, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 18-21, 2003 : revised selected papers

  • Workshop on global optimization and constraint satisfaction 2. Lausanne, Svizzera 2003

Theory and Algorithms for Linear Optimization

An Interior Point Approach

  • Roos, C.

Optimal control theory

an introduction

  • Kirk, Donald E.

Synthesis of finite state machines

functional optimization

  • Kam, Timothy