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Risultati 400-420 di 1363

Fundamentals of quantum optics III

proceedings of the fifht meeting on laser phenomena : University of Innsbruck, Austria, 7-13 March 1993

  • Meeting on laser phenomena 5. Innsbruck 1993

Nonlinear laser spectroscopy

  • Letokhov, Vladilen Stepanovich

Statistical optics

  • Goodman, Joseph W.

The velocity of light

  • Dorsey, Ernest Noah

Le miroir

essai sur une légende scientifique : révélations, science-fiction et fallacies

  • Baltrusaitis, Jurgis

The principles of physical optics

an historical and philosophical treatment : with ten plates and 280 diagrams

  • Mach, Ernst

On the quanta explanation of vision


  • Bouman, Maarten Anne

Journal de physique.

Vol. 50: International conference on the physics of multiply charged ions and international workshop on e.c.r. ion sources