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Risultati 260-280 di 1363

Traité d'optique instrumentale

Premiere section, La formation des images

  • Marechal, André

Experiments and considerations touching colours

first occasionally written, among some other essays, to a friend and now suffer'd to come abroad as the beginning of an experimental history of colours

  • Boyle, Robert

Raman spectroscopy

  • Long, Derek Albert

Vorlesungen über theoretische Optik

gehalten an der Universität Königsberg

  • Neumann, Franz

Infrared and raman spectroscopy

principles and spectral interpretation

  • Larkin, Peter J.

Die Prinzipien der physikalischen Optik

historisch und erkenntnispsychologisch entwickelt

  • Mach, Ernst

Optik des menschlichen Auges

Theorie und Praxis der Refraktionsbestimmung

  • Siebeck, Robert

Optique et électronique quantiques [+]

lectures delivered at Les Houches during the 1964 session of the Summer School of Theoretical Physics, University of Grenoble

  • Ecole d'été de physique théorique 14. Les Houches, Haute-Savoie, France 1964