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Risultati 1-20 di 342

Gli occhi della notte

celti, etruschi, italici e la volta celeste


activities and experiments

  • Kelsey, Linda J.

Planets & perception

telescopic views and interpretations, 1609-1909

  • Sheehan, William

Proceedings of the Nordic Symposium in Theoretical High Energy Astrophysics

Use of the Spectrum X-Gamma and INTEGRAL Missions : Copenhagen, Denmark, September 14-16, 1997

The royal observatory Greenwich

a glance at its history and work

  • Maunder, Edward Walter

Eighth international workshop on neutrino telescopes

Venezia, February 23-26, 1999, Palazzo Loredan, Campo Santo Stefano

  • International workshop on neutrino telescopes 8. Venezia 1999

Fourth international workshop on neutrino telescopes

Venezia, March 10-13, 1992, Palazzo Loredan, Campo Santo Stefano

  • International workshop on neutrino telescopes 4. Venezia 1992

Seventh international workshop on neutrino telescopes

Venezia, February 27-March 1, 1996, Palazzo Loredan, Campo Santo Stefano

  • International workshop on neutrino telescopes 7. Venezia 1996

Fifth international workshop on neutrino telescopes

Venezia, March 2-4, 1993, Palazzo Loredan, Campo Santo Stefano

  • International workshop on neutrino telescopes 5. Venezia 1993

Twelfth international workshop on neutrino telescopes

Venezia, March 6-9, 2007, Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, Campo Santo Stefano

  • International workshop on neutrino telescopes 12 Venezia 2007

Thirteenth International workshop on neutrino telescopes

Venezia, March 10-13, 2009 : Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, Campo Santo Stefano

  • International workshop on neutrino telescopes 13. Venezia 2009

Nuclear and particle astrophysics

proceedings of the Mexican school on nuclear astrophysics, held in Guanajuato, México, August 13-20, 1997

  • Mexican school on nuclear astrophysics Guanajuato, México 1997

Risultati 1-20 di 342