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Risultati 40-60 di 98

Geografia industriale

  • Watts, Hugh Douglas

I processi evolutivi nei sistemi di piccole imprese

il distretto tessile pratese

  • Ferrucci, Luca

Industrie et territoire

les systemes productifs localises : [actes du colloque] : Grenoble, 21 et 22 octobre 1992

Nuove prospettive su spazio e localizzazione

le più recenti interpretazioni geografiche dell'economia

  • Dicken, Peter

Marketing places

attracting investment, industry, and tourism to cities, states and nations

  • Kotler, Philip

Il distretto industriale

un nuovo modo di interpretare il cambiamento economico

  • Becattini, Giacomo

Marketing places Europe

how to attract investments, industries, residents and visitors to cities, communities, regions and nations in Europe

Does economic space matter?

essays in honour of Melvin L. Greenhut

Location economics

theoretical underpinnings and applications

  • Greenhut, Melvin Leonard

Rethinking clusters

towards a new research agenda for cluster research

Complexity and industrial clusters

dynamics and models in theory and practice

Service industries

a geographical appraisal

  • Daniels, Peter Walters

Trading industries, trading regions

international trade, american industry and regional economic development

I distretti del futuro

una nuova generazione di sistemi produttivi per l'innovazione

  • Bossi, Giovanna

Clusters and globalisation

the development of urban and regional economies