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Risultati 1-20 di 112

19. International seminar on seed pathology

Wageningen 10-18 May, 1987 at the Government seed testing station

  • International seminar on seed pathology 19. Wageningen 1987

Handbook on seed health testing

series 3

  • International Seed Testing Association

International conference on vegetable and flower seed production

Castrocaro (Forlì), Italy : 2-4 June 1980

  • International conference on vegetable and flower seed production Castrocaro 1980

Farm and garden seeds

  • Mercer, Stephen Pascal

Le caratteristiche riproduttive delle sementi per uso agrario e importanza dell'unificazione delle metodologie di determinazione

risultati su alcuni saggi collegiali promossi dall'I.S.T.A. : tesi di laurea

  • Pastorelli, Edoardo

Il vigore delle sementi e sua possibilità di valutazione

risultati di una prova sperimentale su: Triticum durum Desf., Hordeum vulgare L., Lactuca Satival., Allium cepa L. : tesi di laurea

  • Corsini, Alessandra agrario

Agricultural and horticultural seeds

their production, control and distribution

Ball culture guide

the encyclopedia of seed germination

  • Nau, Jim

Essais des semences destinées au commerce international

compte rendu de la Conférence de Cambridge 18 juin - 3 juillet 1954

  • Organisation européenne de coopération économique

Proceedings of the first ISTA plant disease committee

symposium on seed health testing : held at Agriculture Canada, Central seed laboratory, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, August 9-12, 1993

  • Symposium on seed health testing 1. Ottawa 1993

Seeds handbook

biology, production, processing, and storage

  • Desai, B.B.

Risultati 1-20 di 112