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Risultati 1-8 di 8

El Dorado

museo del oro

Orfebreria prehispanica de Colombia

Estilos Quimbaya y Otros

  • Pérez de Barradas, José

Les esprits, l'or et le chamane: Musée de l'or de Colombie

Paris, Galeries nationales du Grand-Palais, 4 avril-10 julliet 2000

Oreficerie preispaniche di Colombia

nel Museo dell'oro di Bogotà

  • Carli, Enzo

Gold of the Andes

treasures of Peru. A special exhibition of woorks of art from the collection of Miguel Mujica Gallo, presented through the courtesy of the Republic of Peru and under the patronage of [...] Fernando Berkemeyer. The Brooklyn Museum, 27 april-15 july 1963; M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, 15 september- 31 octobre 1963

Risultati 1-8 di 8