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Risultati 80-100 di 430

Elementi di endopedodonzia

appendice di aggiornamento al Compendio di odontostomatologia pediatrica

  • Gallusi, Guido

Interface oral health science 2007

proceedings of the 2nd International symposium for Interface oral health science, held in Sendai, Japan, between 18 and 19 February 2007

  • International symposium for Interface oral health science 2. Sendai 2007

Biological mechanisms of tooth movement and craniofacial adaptation

proceedings of the International Conference held at the Great Southern Hotel Columbus, Ohio May 8-11, 1991

  • Davidovitch, Zeev

Mouth rehabilitation

clinical and laboratory procedures

  • Kornfeld, Max

La cuticola dello smalto

ricerche istologiche ed embriologiche

  • Beretta, Arturo

Atlas of clinical pathology of the oral mucous membrane

a practical approach to diagnosis

  • Orban, Balint J.

Implantologia odontoiatrica

teoria e pratica

  • Fallschussel, Gerd K.H.