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Risultati 200-220 di 1499


1., the Tauric Chersonese-Thrace, Mesembria

Ancient coins illustrating lost masterpieces of Greek art

a numismatic commentary on Pausanias

  • Imhoof-Blumer, Friedrich 1838-1920

Monnaies grecques en Gaule

le trésor d'Auriol et le monnayage de Massalia 525/520-460 av. J.-C.

  • Furtwängler, Andreas E.

Le monete bilingui di Mahmud di Ghazna

contatti, incontri e traduzioni tra civiltà islamica e mondo indiano

  • Cappelletti, Sara

Coins and tokens from ancient Ceylon

being a critical survey of the coins and coin-like objects unearthed on the island based on a throughly annotated catalogue of finds, and supplemented by an analytical part dealing with the island's ancient economy and its trade with the western world

  • Walburg, Reinhold

Historische Hilfswissenschaften

Stand und perspektiven der Forschung

Le monete dell'Italia antica

raccolta generale

  • Garrucci, Raffaele

Moneta locale, moneta straniera

Italia ed Europa 11.-15. secolo : Italy and Europe 11.-15 centuries : the Second Cambridge Numismatic Symposium

Coin hoards

Volume X, Greek hoards

Alessandro Vittoria

medaglista (1525-1608)

  • Cessi, Francesco

Antioche de Syrie sous les Séleucides

corpus des monnaies d'or et d'argent. I, De Séleucos I à Antiochos V, c. 300-161

  • Le Rider, Georges