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Risultati 1-19 di 19

Die Personennamen griechischer Städte der nördlichen Schwarzmeerküste

die ethnischen Verhältnisse, namentlich das Verhältnis der Skythen und Samaten, im Lichte der Namenforschung

  • Zgusta, Ladislav

Il nome, la persona

saggio sull'etimologia antica

  • Salvadore, Marcello

Greek personale names

their value as evidence

The foreign residents of Athens

an annex to the Lexicon of Greek personal names: Attica

  • Osborne, Michael J. 1942-

Nominum ratio

aspects of the use of personal names in Greek and Latin

  • Jones, F.

Greek forms of address

from Herodotus to Lucian

  • Dickey, Eleanor

Greek personal names

their value as evidence

Analecta epigraphica


  • Solin, Heikki

The foreign residents of Athens

an annex to the Lexicon of Greek personal names: Attica

  • Osborne, M. J.

Risultati 1-19 di 19