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Risultati 1-20 di 286

New York

  • Ashton, Dore

Inside the Apple

a streetwise history of New York City

  • Nevius, Michelle

The city observed: New York

a guide to the architecture of Manhattan

  • Goldberger, Paul

AIA guide to New York City

  • American institute of architectsNew York chapter

New York landmarks

a collection of architectural and historical details

  • Ziga, Charles J.

Media capital

architecture and communications in New York city

  • Wallace, Aurora

Guide to New York City landmarks

  • New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission

Grand Central Terminal

100 years of a New York landmark

  • Robins, Anthony

Grand central terminal

railroads, engineering, and architecture in New York City

  • Schlichting, Kurt C.

Grand central

gateway to a million lives

  • Belle, John

Nova York 1990

  • Jaén i Urban, Gaspar

Delirious New York [+]

a retroactive manifesto for Manhattan

  • Koolhaas, Rem


a photographic history of the world's first steel frame skyscraper : 1901-1990

Passeggiando per New York

scritti sull'architettura della citta

  • Mumford, Lewis

New York e il moderno

società, arte e architettura nella metropoli americana (1876-1917)

  • Cartosio, Bruno

New New York

recent buildings in the city

Risultati 1-20 di 286