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Risultati 280-300 di 631

Philosophy and exegesis in Simplicius [+]

the methodology of a commentator

  • Baltussen, Han

Physics and philosophy of nature in Greek Neoplatonism [+]

proceedings of the European science foundation exploratory workshop : Il Ciocco, Castelvecchio-Pascoli, 22-24 June 2006

  • European science foundation

Gli Inni di Sinesio di Cirene

vicende testuali di un corpus tardoantico

  • Baldi, Idalgo

Ennead 6.4 and 6.5

on the presence of being, one and the same, everywhere as a whole

  • Plotinus

A platonic Pythagoras [+]

platonism and pythagoreanism in the imperial age

Ennead 4.8

on the descent of the soul into bodies

  • Plotinus

Ennead 5.

that the intelligibles are not external to the intellect, and on the good

  • Plotinus

Calcidius on Plato's Timaeus

greek philosophy, latin reception, and christian contexts

  • Reydams-Schils, Gretchen J.

From Iamblichus to Eriugena [+]

an investigation of the prehistory and evolution of the Pseudo-Dionysian tradition

  • Gersh, Stephen

Kinesis akinetos [+]

a study of spiritual motion in the philosophy of Proclus

  • Gersh, Stephen

Proclusʼ Hymns

essays, translations, commentary

  • Berg, Robbert. M.: van den