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Risultati 40-60 di 307

Edda og saga

[er foreningen Nordens gavebob til sine medlemmer 1965]


studies in honour of Hermann Pálsson on his 65th birthday, 26th May 1986

The Icelandic family saga

an analytic reading

  • Andersson, Theodore Murdock

Aspects littéraires de la Saga de Hrafnkel

étude accompagnée du texte islandais (édition de Jón Helgason) et d'une traduction française

  • Halleux, Pierre

Sturlunga Saga

the rôle of the creative compiler

  • Tranter, Stephen N.

King Arthur north by northwest

the matière de Bretagne in Old Norse Icelandic romances

  • Kalinke, Marianne E

Fagrskinna, a catalogue of the Kings of Norway

a translation with introduction and notes

Romance in Iceland

  • Schlauch, Margaret

Law and literature in medieval Iceland

Ljósvetninga saga and Valla-Ljóts saga

Die jüngere Edda

mit dem sogenannten ersten grammatischen Traktat

  • Snorri Sturluson


an interpretation

  • Sawyer, Birgit