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Virginia Woolf

the major novels

  • Batchelor, John 1942-

Katherine Mansfield

de l'oeuvre à la scène dans Le deuil éclatant du bonheur

A critical introduction to Henry Greens novels

the living vision

  • Holmesland, Oddvar

A passage to India

essays in interpretation

D. H. Lawrence: the early fiction

a commentary

  • Black, Michael

Radical Mansfield

double discourse in Katherine Mansfieldʼs short stories

  • Dunbar, Pamela

To the lighthouse

the marriage of life and art

  • Kelley, Alice van Buren

Graham Greene

on the frontier : politics and religion in the novels

  • Couto, Maria

The Victorian heritage of Virginia Woolf

the external world in her novels

  • Paul, Janis M.

James Joyce

the years of growth, 1882-1915 : a biography

  • Costello, Peter

Martin Boyd [+]

a life

  • Niall, Brenda