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The Journals of Mary Shelley


  • Shelley, Mary

Le origini del romanzo borghese

studi su Defoe, Richardson e Fielding

  • Watt, Ian Peter

The act of reading

a theory of aesthetic response

  • Iser, Wolfgang

Il dibattito sul romanzo in Gran Bretagna

gli anni '60 e '70

  • Nicora, Flaminia

The Black Dwarf

  • Scott, Walter 1771-1832

Fanny Trollope

the Life and Adventures of a Clever Woman

  • Neville Sington, Pamela

Gothic Horror

a Reader's Guide from Poe to King and Beyond

The decline of the goddess [+]

nature, culture and women in Thomas Hardy's fiction

  • Stave, Shirley A.

La speranza di Samuel Beckett tra il silenzio e la parola

studi di poetica : tesi di laurea

  • D'Agata, Daniele

Unity in Hardy's novels

repetitive symmetries

  • Casagrande, Peter J.

The Third World War

august 1985 : a future history

A Sicilian Romance

  • Radcliffe, Ann Ward 1764-1823