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Risultati 480-500 di 2071

Fonti di Omero

  • De Lorenzi, Attilio

Glauco e Diomede

lettura di Iliade VI 119-236

  • Fornaro, Sotera

Selbständigkeit und Abhängigkeit menschlichen Handelns bei Homer

hermeneutische Untersuchungen zur Psychologie Homers

  • Schmitt, Arbogast

Linguistics and formulas in Homer

scalarity and the description of the particle per

  • Bakker, Egbert J.

The Homeric epics

  • Trypanis, Constantine Athanasius


a computer concordance to the van Thiel edition of Homer's Odyssey

  • Tebben, Joseph R.

Manners in the homeric epic

  • Hohendahl-Zoetelief, Icky Maria

Die Odyssee

Epos zwischen Märchen und Roman

  • Hölscher, Uvo

From Mycenae to Homer

a study in early Greek literature and art

  • Webster, Thomas Bertram Lonsdale

Della guerra trojana

[Della rovina di Troja

  • Dictys Cretensis