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Risultati 240-260 di 5124

Œuvres romanesques

  • Faulkner, William

Watching the detective

a literary analysis of the works of Raymond Chandler/ David Lowe Zinsser

  • Zinsser, David Lowe

Edith Wharton

a study of the short fiction

  • White, Barbara A.

Sherwood Anderson [+]

a study of the short fiction

  • Papinchak, Robert Allen

Son of Italy

  • D'Angelo, Pascal

To make a new race

Gurgjieff, Toomer, and the Harlem Renaissance

  • Woodson, Jon

Ernest Hemingway

an introduction and interpretation

  • Baker, Sheridan

The adventures of Max Latin

a Dime detective book

  • Davis, Norbert

The only thing that counts

the Ernest Hemingway-Maxwell Perkins correspondence, 1925-1947

  • Hemingway, Ernest


masks and metaphors

  • Honnighausen, Lothar

Wretched exotics

essays on Edith Wharton in Europe

Eudora Welty and Virginia Woolf

gender, genre and influence

  • Harrison, Suzan