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Louisa May Alcott

a modern Biography

  • Saxton, Martha

The benefactor

a novel

  • Sontag, Susan

The sun is not merciful

  • Walters, Anna Lee 1946-

Ein Bündel Geschichten für lüsterne Leser

sechzehn neue Kriminalgeschichten

  • Slesar, Henry

Gertrude et Claudius


  • Updike, John

Horace McCoy

  • Winchell, Mark Royden

The art of love

  • Wilson-Harris, Crystal

John Steinbeck

an introduction and interpretation

  • Fontenrose, Joseph

The works of Thoreau

  • Thoreau, Henry David 1817-1862



  • Block, Thomas H.



  • Martin, Valerie

The catcher in the rye

innocence under pressure

  • Pinsker, Sanford

Roaming Days

  • George Comes at Night

Margaret Atwood

  • Howells, Coral Ann

A cat with no regrets

an Alice Nestleton mistery

  • Adamson, Lydia