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Robert Motherwell 1979-1989

28 settembre-26 novembre 1989 padiglione d' arte contemporanea,Milano

  • Milano

Robert Motherwell 1969-1990

septembre-novembre 1990 Artcurial,Paris

Robert Motherwell

with selections from the artist's writings

  • OʼHara, Frank

Robert Motherwell [+]

  • Motherwell, Robert [Artista (Pittore, etc.)]

Robert Motherwell: i primi collage

Peggy Guggenheim Collection, [Venezia, maggio 26 - settembre 8, 2013, New York, settembre 27, 2013 - gennaio 5, 2014]

Robert Motherwell [+]

Bilder und Collagen 1967-1970 ; Galerie im Erker, am Gallusplatz, St. Gallen, 12. Juni bis 28. August 1970

The collages of Robert Motherwell

a retrospective exhibition ; Museum of fine arts, Houston, November 15, 1972-January 14, 1973

The painter and the printer

Robert Motherwells graphics 1943-80

  • Motherwell, Robert

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