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Risultati 1-20 di 32

The decline of infant and child mortality

the european experience: 1750-1990

Mortalità neonatale in Italia

studio sul peso alla nascita e sulla età gestazionale

  • Vittori, Giorgio

Fatal years

child mortality in late Nineteenth-century America

  • Preston, Samuel H.

Les determinants individuels et regionaux de la mortalite infantile

la Belgique d'hier et d'aujourd'hui

  • Masuy-Stroobant, Godelieve

Della mortalita dei bambini

della profilassi della sifilide infantile e da allattamento ; della istituzione dei presepi in Italia : relazione al 4. Congresso dell'Associazione medica italiana tenutosi in Venezia nell'ottobre 1868

  • Griffini, Romolo

Altitude and urbanization

their influence on infant and child mortality in Bolivia : paper presented at the Canadian Population Society annual meeting in Charlottetown, PEI, June 1992

  • Vidal, David E.

Child mortality since the 1960s

a database for developing countries

  • Nazioni uniteDepartment of economic and social development

Step-by-step guide to the estimation of child mortality

  • Nazioni UniteDepartment of international economic and social affairs

Infant mortality in India

differentials and determinants


comparative and evolutionary perspectives

Angels and absences

child deaths in the nineteenth century

  • Lerner, Laurence

Child mortality in developing countries: socio-economic differentials, trends and implications

  • Nazioni UniteDepartment of international economic and social affairs

Risultati 1-20 di 32