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Risultati 140-160 di 244

Palma palmae

  • De Micheli, Gianfranco

La Calvana

8 dicembre 1988, la ginoriana, Calenzano

  • Consiglio di circoscrizione, n.1, Calenzano

Orchidee d'Italia [+]

Guida alle orchidee spontanee


Orchidee spontanee del territorio fiesolano [+]

  • Gruppo naturalistico Valle del Mugnone

Biology of rice

  • Tsunoda, Shigesaburo

C4 grasses and cereals

growth, development, and stress response

  • Jones, C. Allan

Descriptors for taro

(Colocasia esculenta)

  • International Plant Genetic Resources Institute

The palm--tree of life

biology, utilization, and conservation : proceedings of a symposium at the 1986 Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany held at the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York, 13-14 June 1986

  • Balick, Michael J.

The palm, tree of life

biology, utilization, and conservation : proceedings of a symposium at the 1986 Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany held at the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York, 13-14 June 1986

  • Society for Economic Botany

Physiologie du maïs

communications au Colloque Physiologie du maïs, Royan, 15-17 mars 1983

  • Gallais, A.

Le tillandsie

piante dell'aria

  • Brighigna, Luigi

Useful palms of the world

a synoptic bibliography

  • Balick, Michael J.

Erbe selvatiche

ricerca, riconoscimento e raccolta

  • Lodini, Franco