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Risultati 460-480 di 565

Elementi di conchiologia linneana

illustrati da 28 tavole in rame

  • Burrow, Edward John

A plain and easy account of the land and fresh-water mollusks of Great Britain

Containing descriptions, figures, and a familiar account of the habits of each species

  • Tate, Ralph

The conchologist's text-book, embracing the arrangement of Lamarck and Linnaus

With a glossary of technical terms, to which is added a brief account of the mollusca


Order neoloricata

Parte descriptiva

  • Hidalgo, Joaquin Gonzalez

British prosobranch and other operculate gastropod molluscs

keys and notes for the identification of the species

  • Graham, Alastair

Coastal Brazilian seashells

  • Carvalho, Rios Eliezer: de


puti, metody i itogi ih izučenija : avtoreferaty dokladov : 4. soveščanie po izuceniju molljuskov

  • Soveščanie po izučenju molljuskov, 4., 1971, Leningrado

World-wide snails

biogeographical studies on non-marine mollusca

South Australian mollusca


  • Cotton, Bernard C.

Sea shells of Tropical West America

Marine mollusks from Baja California to Peru

  • Keen, A. Myra

I molluschi [+]

Mostra preliminare : nuova sede dei Musei comunali, ex complesso ospedaliero, giugno-dicembre 1981

Australian shells

Illustrating and describing 600 species of marine gastropods found in Australian waters

  • Wilson, Barry R.

Die europäischen Meeresmuscheln (Bivalvia)

vom Eismeer bis Kapverden, Mittelmeer und Schwarzes Meer

  • Nordsieck, Fritz