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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 40-60 di 91

Molecular modelling [+]

principles and applications

  • Leach, Andrew R.

A handbook of computational chemistry

a practical guide to chemical structure and energy calculations

  • Clark, Tim

Structure of matter

an introductory course with problems and solutions

  • Rigamonti, Attilio

Advances in molecular spectroscopy

proceedings of the 4th international meeting on molecular spectroscopy

  • International meeting on molecular spectroscopy 4. Bologna 1959

The electronic structure of molecules

a new approach

  • Linnett, J. W.

Case study 3

molecules in space

Atomistic approaches in modern biology

from quantum chemistry to molecular simulations

The quantum theory of molecular electronic structure [+]

a lecture note and reprint volume

  • Parr, Robert G.