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Risultati 60-80 di 588

The cults of Aricia

  • Gordon, Arthur Ernest

The story of myth

  • Johnston, Sarah Iles

Cults, myths, oracles and politics in ancient Greece

with two appendices, The Ionian phylae, The phratries

  • Nilsson, Martin Persson

Gli dèi della Grecia

l'immagine del divino riflessa dallo spirito greco

  • Otto, Walter Friedrich


  • Harrison, Jane Ellen

From myth to reason?

studies in the development of Greek thought

  • Buxton, Richard

From religion to philosophy

a study in the origins of western speculation

  • Cornford, Francis MacDonald

Savage energies

lessons of myth and ritual in ancient Greece

  • Burkert, Walter

Héraclès aux portes du soir

mythe at histoire

  • Jourdain-Annequin, Colette

Antike Sintflutsagen

  • Caduff, Gian Andrea


histoire d'une cité entre mythe et politique

  • Darthou, Sonia

A handbook of Greek mythology

including its extension to Rome

  • Rose, Herbert Jennings

Polivalenze epiche

contributi di antropologia storica

Women in Greek myth

  • Lefkowitz, Mary R.

The world of Greek religion and mythology

collected essays 2.

  • Bremmer, Jan N.