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Risultati 40-60 di 68

The lost tribes of Israel

the history of a myth

  • Parfitt, Tudor

The new comparative mythology

an anthropological assessment of the theories of Georges Dumézil

  • Littleton, Covington Scott

The golden bough

a study in magic and religion

  • Frazer, James George

Myth and law among the Indo-Europeans

studies in Indo-European comparative mythology

Il ramo d'oro

studio della magia e della religione

  • Frazer, James George

La ricerca di Iside

saggio sulla leggenda di un mito

  • Baltrušaitis, Jurgis

Miti e misteri

  • Kerényi, Karl

I miti degli altri

la caverna degli echi

  • Doniger, Wendy

Myth, cosmos, and society

Indo-European themes of creation and destruction

  • Lincoln, Bruce

Theorizing myth

narrative, ideology and scholarship

  • Lincoln, Bruce

Mythe et allegorie

les origines grecques et les contestations judeo-chretiennes

  • Pepin, Jean

Dal mito al mito

analogia e differenza nel pensiero di Joseph Görres

  • Lotito, Leonardo