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Risultati 20-40 di 604

Le tribù perdute di Israele

storia di un mito : di fatto scomparvero dalla storia ma la Bibbia predice che esse torneranno a riunirsi con le tribù del Sud per la redenzione finale del popolo d'Israele

  • Parfitt, Tudor

The white goddess

a historical grammar of poetic myth

  • Graves, Robert

The world of myth

an anthology

  • Leeming, David Adams

Introduction to mythology

contemporary approaches to classical and world myths

  • Thury, Eva M.

Mythology and mythologies

methodological approaches to intercultural influences : proceedings of the second annual Symposium of the Assyrian and Babylonian Intellectual Heritage Project held in Paris, France, October 4-7, 1999

  • Annual Symposium of the Assyrian and Babylonian Intellectual Heritage Project 2. Parigi 1999

Adapa and the South wind [+]

language has the power of life and death

  • Izreʼel, Shlomo


  • Ramelli, Ilaria

Illud tempus

mito y cosmogonia en el mundo antiguo

  • Marco Simon, Francisco

The myth of replacement

stars, gods and order in the universe

  • Worthen, Thomas D.

The lost tribes of Israel

the history of a myth

  • Parfitt, Tudor

Mythe et allegorie

les origines grecques et les contestations judeo-chretiennes

  • Pepin, Jean

Il mirabile e l'artificio [+]

creature animate e semoventi nel mito e nella tecnica degli antichi

  • Pugliara, Monica