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Risultati 20-40 di 82

Scanning electron microscopy [+]

physics of image formation and microanalysis

  • Reimer, Ludwig

Plants in action

a laboratory manual of plant physiology

  • Machlis, Leonard

X-ray microscopy

proceedings of the international symposium, Göttingen, Fed. Rep. of Germany, September 14-16, 1983

Microanalyse et microscopie electronique à balayage

Ecole d'Eté de St-Martin-d'Hères, 11-16 sept. 1978

Developments in electron microscopy and analysis

proceedings of EMAG 75 held at the University of Bristol, 8-11 September 1975


fifth international congress for electron microscopy held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, august 29th to september 5th 1962

  • International Congress for electron microscopy 5 Philadelphia 1962

Spektralanalyse von Mineralen und Gesteinen

eine Anleitung zur Emissions- und Absorptionsspektroskopie

  • Moenke, Horst


  • Williams, David B.


  • Williams, David B.