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Risultati 80-100 di 212

Microscopia e batteriologia clinica

ad uso delle scuole e dei medici pratici : con breve appendice sulle principali indagini di chimica clinica

  • Tarchetti, C.

Microbiology and man

being an account of the diverse properties and characteristics of microorganisms, a description of the various tools and techniques for their handling, and an inquiry into their subtle relationships to everyday life

  • Birkeland, Jorgen

Pathogenic microorganisms from atypical clinical sources

proceedings of a conference held at the Yale University school of medicine, New Haven, Connecticut

Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Parasiten

mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der bei menschen Schmarotzenden Arten; ein Lehrbuch für Zoologen, Landwirthe und Mediciner

  • Leuckart, Rudolf 1823-1898

Attenuated infection

the germ theory in contemporary perspective

  • Simon, Harold J.

Microbes, man and animals

the natural history of microbial interactions

  • Linton, Alan Henry

Microbiology & immunology

an illustrated review with questions and explanations

  • Hentges, David J.