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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 80-100 di 200

Wissenschaft unter Beobachtung

Effekte und Defekte von Evaluationen

  • Matthies, Hildegard

Valutare e punire

una critica della cultura della valutazione

  • Pinto, Valeria

Research methodology

for the business and administrative sciences

  • Welman, J. C.

Statistics in science

the foundations of statistical methods in biology, physics and economics

Doing a literature review [+]

releasing the social science research imagination

  • Hart, Chris

Valutazione 2000

esperienze e riflessioni

Valutazione in azione

lezioni apprese da casi concreti

The research foundations of graduate education

Germany, Britain, France, United States, Japan


joint problem solving among science, technology, and society : an effective way for managing complexity