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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 140-160 di 1944

Soft computing with industrial applications

recent trends in research and development : proceedings of the World Automation Congress (WAC '96), May 28-30, 1996, Montpellier, France

Advances in data mining

applications in e-commerce, medicine, and knowledge management

Principles of data mining and knowledge discovery

6th european conference, PKDD 2002, Helsinki, Finland, August 19-23, 2002 : proceedings

  • European conference on principles of data mining and knowledge discovery 6. Helsinki, Finland 2002

Evolutionary computation in combinatorial optimization

5th European conference, EvoCOP 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 30 - April 1, 2005 : proceedings

  • Conference on evolutionary computation in combinatorial optimization 5. Losanna, Svizzera 2005

Neural networks and qualitative physics

a viability approach

  • Aubin, Jean-Pierre

Advances in case-based reasoning

6th european conference, ECCBR 2002, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, September 4-7, 2002 : proceedings

  • European conference on advances in case-based reasoning 6. Aberdeen, Scotland, UK 2002

Formal approaches to agent-based systems

third international workshop, FAABS 2004, Greenbelt, MD, USA, April 26-27, 2004 : revised selected papers

  • International workshop on formal approaches to agent-based systems 3. Greenbelt, MD, USA 2004

Innovations in applied artificial intelligence

18th international conference on industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems, IEA/AIE 2005, Bari, Italy, June 22-24, 2005 : proceedings

  • International conference on industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems 18. Bari, Italia 2005

Logic for programming, artificial intelligence, and reasoning

11th international conference, LPAR 2004, Montevideo, Uruguay, March 14-18, 2005 : proceedings

  • International conference on logic for programming, artificial intelligence, and reasoning 11. Montevideo, Uruguay 2005

Artificial intelligence and simulation

13th international conference on AI, simulation, and planning in high autonomy systems, AIS 2004, Jeju Island, Korea, October 4-6, 2004 : revised selected papers

  • International conference on artificial intelligence, simulation, and planning in high autonomy systems 13. Isola di Jeju, Corea 2004

Multi-agent systems and applications III

3rd international central and eastern european conference on multi-agent systems, CEEMAS 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, June 16-18, 2003 : proceedings

  • International central and eastern european conference on multi-agent systems 3. Prague, Czech Republic 2003

Functional imaging and modeling of the heart

second international workshop, FIMH 2003,Lyon, France, June 5-6, 2003 : proceedings

  • International workshop on functional imaging and modeling of the heart 2. Helsinki 2003

Advances in knowledge discovery and data mining

7th Pacific-Asia conference, PAKDD 2003, Seoul, Korea, April 30-May 2, 2003 : proceedings

  • Pacific-Asia conference on knowledge discovery and data mining 7. Seoul, Korea 2003

Graph-based representations in pattern recognition

5th IAPR international workshop, GbRPR 2005, Poitiers, France, April 11-13, 2005 : proceedings

  • International workshop on graph based representations in pattern recognition 5. Poitiers, Francia 2005

Law and the semantic web

legal ontologies, methodologies, legal information retrieval, and applications

Planning and understanding

a computational approach to human reasoning

  • Wilensky, Robert

Computational linguistics and intelligent text processing

third international conference, CICLing 2002, Mexico City, Mexico, February 17-23, 2002 : proceedings

  • International conference on intelligent text processing and computational linguistics 3. Mexico City, Mexico 2002

Natural language processing - IJCNLP 2005

second international joint conference, Jeju Island, Korea, October 11-13, 2005 : proceedings

  • International joint conference on natural language processing 2. Jeju Island, Corea

Risultati 140-160 di 1944