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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 740-760 di 1944

Agent-based hybrid intelligent systems

an agent-based framework for complex problem solving

  • Zhang, Zili

Symbolic and quantitative approaches to reasoning with uncertainty

7th european conference, ECSQARU 2003, Aalborg, Denmark, July 2-5, 2003 : proceedings

  • European conference on symbolic and quantitative approaches to reasoning with uncertainty 7. Aalborg, Denmark 2003

Argumentation in multi-agent systems

first international workshop, ArgMAS 2004, New York, NY, USA, July 19, 2004 : revised selected and invited papers

  • International workshop on argumentation in multi-agent systems 1. New York 2004

Mathematical aspects of artificial intelligence

American Mathematical Society short course, January 8-9, 1996, Orlando, Florida

Computational linguistics and intelligent text processing

5th international conference, CICLing 2004, Seoul, Korea, February 15-21, 2004 : proceedings

  • International conference on intelligent text processing and computational linguistics 5. Seoul, Korea 2004

Artificial intelligence and symbolic computation

international conference AISC 2000, Madrid, Spain, July 17-19, 2000 : Revised papers

Engineering of intelligent systems

14th international conference on industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems, IEA/AIE 2001, Budapest, Hungary, June 4-7, 2001 : Proceedings

Advances in knoledge discovery and data mining

5th Pacific-Asia conference, PAKDD 2001, Hong Kong, China, April 16-18, 2001 : proceedings

  • Pacific-Asia conference on knowledge discovery and data mining 5th Hong Kong 2001

How to build a person

a prolegomenon

  • Pollock, John L

IABSE colloquium Bergamo 1989

expert systems in civil engineering

  • International association for bridge and structural engineeringWorking commission 6.

Progress in discovery science

final report of the japanese dicsovery [sic] science project

LabTalk Manual

version 5

  • Microcal Software

Interactive distributed multimedia systems

8th international workshop, IDMS 2001, Lancaster, UK, September 4-7, 2001 : proceedings

  • International workshop on interactive distributed multimedia systems 8. Lancaster, England 2001

Computer vision systems

second international workshop, ICVS 2001, Vancouver, Canada, July 7-8, 2001 : proceedings

  • International workshop on computer vision systems 2. Vancouver 2001

Intelligent agents

specification, modeling, and applications : 4th pacific rim international workshop on multi-agents, PRIMA 2001, Taipei, Taiwan, July 28-29, 2001 : proceedings

  • Pacific rim international workshop on multi-agents 4th Taipei 2001