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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 300-320 di 1944

Data mining and knowledge management

chinese academy of sciences symposium, CASDMKM 2044, Beijing, China, July 12-14, 2004 : revised papers

  • Chinese academy of sciences symposium on data mining and knowledge management Beijing, Cina 2004

Computer graphics

principles and practice

Advances in data mining

applications in image mining, medicine and biotechnology, management and environmental control, and telecommunications : 4th industrial conference on data mining, ICDM 2004, Leipzig, Germany, July 4-7, 2004 : revised selected papers

  • Industrial conference on data mining 4. Leipzig, Germania 2004

Programming multi-agent systems

first international workshop, proMAS 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 15, 2003 : selected revised and invited papers

  • International workshop on programming multi-agent systems 1. Melbourne, Australia 2003

Digital image processing

concepts, algorithms and scientific applications

  • JähneBernd

Machine vision algorithms in Java

techniques and implementation

  • Whelan, Paul F.

Deterministic and statistical methods in machine learning

first international workshop, Sheffield, UK, September 7-10, 2004 : revised lectures

  • International workshop on deterministic and statistical methods in machine learning 1. Sheffield, UK 2004


version 2 : for windows and macintosh users

Maintenance of knowledge-based systems

theory, techniques and tools

  • Coenen, Frans

Graph in the box

instant graphs in virtually any application

Structural, syntactic, and statistical pattern recognition

joint IAPR international workshops SSPR 2002 and SPR 2002, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, August 6-9, 2002 : proceedings

  • International workshop on structural and syntactic pattern recognition Windsor, Ontario, Canada 2002

Text, speech and dialogue

5th international conference, TSD 2002, Brno, Czech Republic, September 9-12, 2002 : proceedings

  • International conference on text, speech and dialogue 5. Brno, Czech Republic 2002

Knowledge discovery in databases

PKDD 2003 : 7th european conference on principles and practice of knowledge discovery in databases, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 22-26, 2003 : proceedings

  • European conference on principles and practice of knowledge discovery in databases 7. Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia 2003

Computer analysis of images and patterns

9th international conference, CAIP 2001, Warsaw, Poland, September 5-7, 2001 : Proceedings

Easy web graphics

  • King, Julie Adair

Image analysis and recognition

second international conference, ICIAR 2005, Toronto, Canada, September 28-30,2005 : proceedings

  • International conference on image analysis and recognition 2. Toronto, Canada 2005

Automated reasoning with analytic tableaux and related methods

International conference, TABLEAUX 2002, Copenaghen, Denmark, July 30-August 1, 2002 : proceedings

  • International conference on automated reasoning with analytic tableaux and related methods Copenhagen, Denmark 2002

Graphics recognition

algorithms and applications : 4th international workshop, GREC 2001, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, September 7-8, 2001 : selected papers

  • International workshop on graphics recognition 4. Kingston, Ontario 2001

Django 1.2 e-commerce

build powerful e-commerce applications using Django, a leading Python web framework

  • Legg, Jesse