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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 40-60 di 104

Developing grounded theory

the second generation revisited

Understanding research methods

an overview of the essentials

  • Patten, Mildred L.

The long interview

  • McCracken, Grant David

Your research project

designing, planning, and getting started

  • Walliman, Nicholas

Resolving the crisis in research by changing the game

an ecosystem and a sharing philosophy

  • Huse, Morten

La morte di Newton [+]

il nuovo paradigma scientifico

Ordinal item response theory

Mokken scale analysis

  • Schuur, Wijbrandt van

How to research

  • Blaxter, Loraine

Mathematical models

mechanical vibrations, population dynamics and traffic flow : an introduction to applied mathematics

  • Haberman, Richard


towards the definition of a metadiscipline?

  • Finkenthal, Michael

The practitioner-researcher

developing theory from practice

  • Jarvis, Peter

The Essence of Research Methodology

a concise guide for Master and PhD Students in Management Science

  • Jonker, Jan