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Risultati 1-9 di 9

Proceedings of the Nordic Symposium in Theoretical High Energy Astrophysics

Use of the Spectrum X-Gamma and INTEGRAL Missions : Copenhagen, Denmark, September 14-16, 1997

The active X-ray sky [+]

results from BeppoSAX and RXTE : proceedings of the Active X-ray sky : Rome, Italy, 21-24 October, 1997

Axions '98

Proceedings of the 5th IFT Workshop on Axions : Gainesville, Florida, USA, 13-15 March, 1998

X-ray astronomy

  • Culhane, J. Leonard

High-energy detectors in astronomy

22-23 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

L'universo in raggi x [+]

la ricerca del fuoco cosmico dai buchi neri allo spazio intergalattico

  • Giacconi, Riccardo

Risultati 1-9 di 9