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Risultati 40-60 di 115

Grammatical metaphor

views from systemic functional linguistics

Travail de la metaphore

identification, interpretation

Simbolo, metafora, allegoria

atti del 4. Convegno italo-tedesco : Bressanone, 1976

  • Convegno italo-tedesco 4. Bressanone 1976

The primordial metaphor

  • Grassi, Ernesto 1902-1991

Metaphor in cognitive linguistics

selected papers from the fifth international cognitive linguistics conference, Amsterdam, July 1997

  • International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 5. Amsterdam 1997

The point of words

childrens understanding of metaphor and irony

  • Winner, Ellen

Understanding metaphor in literature

an empirical approach

  • Steen, Gerard

Metaphor, metonymy and experientialist philosophy

challenging cognitive semantics

  • Haser, Verena

The ubiquity of metaphor

metaphor in language and thought

Metaphern der Gesellschaft

Studien zum soziologischen und politischen Imaginaren

  • Ludemann, Susanne


ein Paradigma der Moderne